Tuesday, December 30, 2008


ARMA(Association of Rotomoulders Australia) blocks investigations into poly tank recycling claims.

According to Don Matthews, leader of the Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group (APTCIG), UV-degraded plastic cannot be recycled and the polytank industry is misleading the Australian public on recycling.
In a survey of the industry conducted over the past 6 months he was reassured repeatedly by manufacturers and suppliers that UV-degraded tanks could be recycled at the end of their life. On further questioning and requests for evidence the industry went quiet. APTCIG now wants to put questions to company directors but their association CEO Leisa Donlan seems not to want to go along with this idea.

Over the past months ARMA has put up the following obstructions to APTCIG investigations:

On 11 Aug 2008 I emailed:

Dear Leisa,

In my email of 24 July I asked if you had names and email contacts for key people in member companies of ARMA.Haven't received anything yet. The reason I am asking is that I emailed the following companies from addresses given on their website for assistance in my research into recycling spent poly tanks. No-one bothered to reply or acknowledge receipt of my email. They were definitely received because none were returned. There is no excuse for this and only helps to reinforce my view that nothing is being done. You will appreciate why I am so sceptical.

sales@nationalpolyindustries.com.au 9 July
paulh@duraplas.com.au 15 July
infoworld@polyworld.com.au 17 July
sales@teampoly.com.au 17 July
Brisbane@ozpoly.com.au 17 July
feedback@waterforce.com.au 23 July

Could you please forward names and contact emails for all managing directors of ARMA associated companies. Maybe then I will be able to get a response to my questions.

Don Matthews

No response


On 11 Aug 2008 I emailed:

Dear Leisa,

I am interested in finding out more about the work you are doing with Auckland University on finding new ways to make it easier for tank owners to recycle their own tanks at the end of their product life


Dear Don

Details of the research currently being undertaken are restricted to ARMA members, as the research is still in progress and funded by the members.

Leisa Donlan


On 27 Aug 2008 I emailed:


Do you have an email address for egr water ? Can't find it on their website.


No response


On Dec 17 2008 I emailed:

To: Leisa Donlan CEO Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia
From: Don Matthews APTCIG


Please email names and email addresses for Managing Directors of the following manufacturers.I wish to ask some serious questions on recycling.

National Poly Industries
EGR Water

If you choose not to release this information without a valid reason I will interpret your actions as a deliberate attempt to block my investigations into industry recycling claims and will make every effort to make my view widely known.

Don Matthews
APTCIG Australian Poly Tank Concerned Individuals Group
seeking open and honest answers to open and honest questions

No response. As advised I am now making my views widely known.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Fountaindale NSW

from Don Matthews <
to information@formit.com.au
Dec 17, 2008
subject Recycling spent poly tank

Dear Formit,

I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews


No response

from Don Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
to infomation@formit.com.au
Jan 7, 2009
: Recycling spent poly tank
mailed-by gmail.com

Could you please acknowledge and respond to my email

Don Matthews


Monday, December 15, 2008

Dural Irrigation

Supplier of Nylex tanks
Dural NSW


From: Don Matthews [mailto:donmatthews7@gmail.com]
8 December 2008

To: Erin Eyles

Subject: Recycling spent poly tank

Dear Dural Irrigation,

I notice you sell Nylex poly rainwater tanks and wondered if you could help me.I am thinking of buying a poly tank but would like to know if it can be recycled when it eventually is broken down by sunlight. I would like to think I was doing the right thing by the environment in buying a tank which can be recycled at the end of its life.

Thanks for your help

Don Matthews


fromErin Eyles <

toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Dec 9, 2008

RE: Recycling spent poly tank

To our knowledge poly tanks are not recyclable after there completed use. However I encourage you to contact the tank dealers directly, to receive a more detailed and knowledgeable response to your query.

Rapid Plas – 02 43234404 OR FREECALL ENVIRO AUSTRALIA 1800 011000.Tank Master – 08 9274 7000 I hope that helps answer your questions.

Katrine Hermansen

Dural Irrigation Pumps & Power Products

270 New LIne RdDural NSW 2158

Ph No:02 9651 4111 www.duralirrigation.com.au


fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>

toErin Eyles <admin@duralirrigation.com.au>
Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 12:18

Re: Recycling spent poly tank

Dear Erin/ Katrine,

Thankyou for your honesty. My research agrees with what you are saying - UV degraded polyethylene tanks can't be recycled. This is opposite to what the industry and ARMA keep telling me. I may get back and talk to you later about this.



Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Absan recyclers



fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>toabsan@iprimus.com.au
Aug 21, 2008
subjectRecycling spent poly tanks

Could you help me with some research I am doing into the recycling of spent poly tanks ? those which have been completely degraded by UV I believe you recycle them in some way to produce more resin for remoudling. I am a little puzzled because to my understanding poly that is completely degraded becomes brittle and loses all its properties making impossible to be remoulded again. How then is it recycled ?

Could you trace the path of a spent poly tank for me from when it reaches youir facility to when it is formed into the final product ? What do you do with the tank? How is the reconstituted resin made? Where does it go to from you? What do they make from it and how is it done? Do you get many spent tanks for recycling?

Thanks for your help
Don Matthews

No response

fromDon Matthews <
Dec 1, 2008
subject: Recycling spent poly tanks

Could you please acknowledge and respond to my email

Don Matthews


Malcolm Campbell ABSAN PTY LTD
to me Dec 2

Hi Don,

Best to give me a ring and I will talk you through the recycling process.

Malcolm Campbell


fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toMalcolm Campbell ABSAN PTY LTD <absan@iprimus.com.au>
Dec 11, 2008

Re: Recycling spent poly tanks

Dear Malcolm,

Thankyou for getting back to me although I am wondering why I didn't receieve any response to my initial email.

I am aware that non-degraded plastic can be recycled. My question relates specifically to UV-degraded plastic. Can this be recycled and remoulded. I suspect it can't. Am I correct?


No response

fromDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
toMalcolm Campbell ABSAN PTY LTD <absan@iprimus.com.au>
Wed, Dec 17, 2008

Re: Recycling spent poly tsnks


Please respond.


No response

The following email came in response to the 'ARMA blocks investigation into recycling claims' email I sent out to the industry. The phone call he refers to was not in response to my initial enquiry (which was ignored) but in response to a reminder some 3 1/2 months later. Go up to the top of this post and check for yourself. The tanks he is referring to are non-degraded tanks. He has never answered my questions on recycling UV-degraded tanks. Why? Because degraded plastic can't be recycled. (If anyone can prove this incorrect please do so)

FromMalcolm Campbell ABSAN PTY LTD <absan@iprimus.com.au>
toDon Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
Fri, Jan 9, 2009
subjectRe: ARMA blocks investigations into recycling claims

I don't know who you are but you are totally ignorant and misinformed.

I responded to your first email asking you to ring me and discuss the recycling of end of life tanks but you did not. Tanks can be and are being recycled. Our Company does it regulary.

Malcolm Campbell
B.Eng. Phd.Absan Pty Ltd
08 84478847

from Don Matthews <donmatthews7@gmail.com>
to Malcolm Campbell ABSAN PTY LTD <absan@iprimus.com.au>
Wed, Feb 25, 2009

subject Debate 4 I would like an apology Malcolm

From: Don Matthews APTCIG
To: Malcolm Campbell Absan


I do not appreciate the following comment you have made about me:

"I have no idea who you are but you are totally ignorant and misinformed" (9 Jan 2009)

It would seem a good idea to find out who I am before making such comments.

I would like an apology.

Don Matthews
Australian Poly tank Concerned Individuals Group
"valueing courtesy and respect"

PS This email has been posted on the weblog
http://thegreataustralianpolytankdebate.blogspot.com and forms the basis for Debate 4.
We await your response.
